
What People Are Saying About Elizabeth’s Classes:


“When I think about the last year and beginning the pandemic with Elizabeth, I honestly could cry right now, just because of the impact she’s had on me!”

— Polly C.

“I see how much Elizabeth is enjoying herself dancing and that energy is contagious! It always makes me smile and feel happy about starting my day. I feel stronger and my endorphins going which makes me happy. Class has improved my balance and increased my energy level. Great sense of a personal aspect by being in her own home. She always keeps it fresh by adding new choreography and movements.”

— Rita C.

“I treasure Forever Fit. It is a major part of the great quality of my life right now. I don’t think I have ever been as strong or FIT!

— Bonnie S.


“I have never been a happy exerciser until now! The dance makes you use your mind and coordination skills. The weights are making me stronger. The stretching ensures there are few aches and pains after class. The class changes every day so you never get bored. It is tailored towards those over 60 and you can make it as hard or as easy as is best for your body on each particular day.”

— Kate S.

“I notice strengthening and flexibility from Forever Fit. Plus a heightened awareness of my body’s ability to withstand the aging process. And equanimity and clarity of thought!”

— Michaela T.

“Elizabeth’s spirit and enthusiasm are contagious. Her playlist is diverse--old favorites, hip new stuff. I started about five years ago and Forever Fit is the first time in twenty years that I have stuck with an exercise class. It's just fun to dance with everyone. My stamina has improved, my legs are more toned, and I am more clear-headed throughout the day. I am 100% certain that I am more healthy and fit today thanks to FF. Most important, she truly cares about our well-being on many levels. We flourish together!”

— Louisa C-J


“I love that you constantly study and read about the body and it’s needs and then distill it in a way that we hardly even know what grand things you are doing for us! I am stronger happier healthier and I wish everyone had an Elizabeth in their lives!”

— Pam C.

“The best thing about Forever Fit sessions is that it’s fun!! Dancing with Elizabeth gives me energy and lifts my mood. Big change since I began Forever Fit - I can squat to pee in the woods!! Yahoo!”

— Cheryl C.

The best thing about Forever Fit is Elizabeth Reed! Elizabeth's clear instructions and exercise modifications gives the folks who are lucky to be in her class information and permission to "listen to their own bodies.” Elizabeth also has a supernatural ability to know when you NOT holding your belly button in or your not breathing. Elizabeth Reed is an amazing teacher, mentor and all around super human!

— Caren O.


“Elizabeth cares about the whole person. She is not intimidating or pushes you too hard. She wants you to challenge yourself but not beyond your capabilities. She encourages and supports your well-being. She welcomes feedback, easy to talk to and provides the basics but provides a challenge to take you to the next level. It was sheer enjoyment. Love the music, love the energy, love the program!”

— Roseanne D.

“Elizabeth makes exercising fun! Dancing with Elizabeth gives me joy because of the great music she chooses for us to dance to. Since I began Forever Fit I have a sense of calm and lessening of anxiety because of the consistency the classes offer and the ability to connect with other people.”

— Celene L.

“Your music rocks (seriously!) and I don’t get bored. There's always enough variety in the workout and music that I stay engaged, even on the days I don't want to workout and force myself to attend. Also, I love interval Wednesdays - what a great addition! I couldn't do it every time, but once a week is great. I’m a chronic insomniac and FF helps me sleep. I’m stronger and feel it in my daily activities - especially gardening. Last summer, my husband and I build a patio - he has spinal stenosis so I did the digging and heavy lifting - he was quite impressed! I told him it's because of Fit and it is!”

— Mary Beth S.


“Elizabeth is a marvelous combination of qualities. She is highly educated and continues to take classes in body mechanics. She expresses her own pleasure in dancing and encourages us to dance, not just move through a set of motions. She is caring in her communications to us. She reminds us to listen to our bodies and back off it’s too much. She also encourages us to challenge ourselves.

In addition to the cardio, weights and stretching segments, Elizabeth sneaks additional benefits into class. She regularly adds new choreography to the cardio set, challenging our brains to learn new steps. She also incorporates balance exercises to build up our ability to prevent falls.

I love having the structure of the class schedule. By participating regularly I feel the physical benefit of the workout, and I also can calm the inner voice that worries whether I’m doing enough exercise/staying in good enough shape.

Since beginning Forever Fit I have greater strength and stamina. My husband and I have been doing a lot of hiking recently, and I can climb the slopes and control my steps down the other side with confidence. Another physical hobby I have is gardening. In addition to strength with lifting and moving things around, I feel able to bend and stretch to reach plants on the ground. What a satisfying feeling!”

— Nancy G.

“Everything about you sets you apart from other classes I’ve taken!! You make everyone feel so welcome and allow us all to comfortably work on what we individually need. You genuinely make yourself available for us to reach out and discuss whatever we are needing for exercise and mental security. I constantly tell people that this class is the best thing I’ve done for myself in my retirement.I wish dancing with Elizabeth gave me rhythm but it certainly gives me joy and confidence!! Love the music!!

I’ve been coming to Forever Fit for four years and have never stayed with an exercise program for this long. I am dedicated to this class and what it offers me and build my schedule around it. Besides feeling calm and like every part of my body has been exercised and strengthened, I feel stronger than I ever have. It has taken time but my balance is so much better than when I started this program. I thank you for that!! I no longer have to be near a wall and can do any exercise on one leg. Great accomplishments!!

This class is great for my body but my confidence in myself has never been stronger!! Thank you, Elizabeth!!

— Mary R.

“Elizabeth leads more than a class.  She leads a community.  She goes out of her way to make a personal connection with each and every participant and considers each member to be a friend rather than a client.  Conversational Zoom sessions before and after class have created a community of folks who are not even necessarily known personally to each other, but with Elizabeth as the common denominator we feel connected in a special way.  She is eager to make each person's experience one of joy (and no pain!) so she is enthusiastic about receiving feedback, careful to create interesting choreography that accommodates a variety of fitness levels, and is even willing to consult one-on-one to find modifications when necessary.

The best thing about Forever Fit sessions is starting the day with music, a good workout, and Elizabeth's smile.  (It's always there no matter how strenuous the routine or how heavy the weight).”

— Lindsay G.