Why We’re Here.


Our goal as a nonprofit is to provide health and wellness programming of all kinds in a supportive online community to all older adults. Our services are offered "For Every Body" no matter age, physical stage or ability to pay. We are reaching out to under-served folks who may be isolated, especially those with injuries or disabilities and those without broadband internet.

We began with what we know best - workouts geared to all levels and commitment to exercise, including music we love. In our second year, we're rolling out programs on other aspects of wellness including financial confidence, life purpose and emotional resilience.

Membership is free along with lots of videos, but we currently charge for longer exercise videos to help pay for our non-profit work. Please remember that we're very happy to offer scholarships and discounts. Feel free to contact us with your request.

We are here for YOU and FOR EVERY BODY!

We help seniors achieve better wellness and health, so they can live longer happier lives.

“Wellness” means more than just good diet and regular exercise. In our way of thinking, wellness has 8 different aspects. Each of these contributes significantly to our longevity, health and happiness.

To start our non-profit venture, we focused on fitness, strength and balance. One of our founders (Elizabeth) is a masterful instructor with many years of experience and multiple fitness certifications. We’re offering live online exercise classes three mornings a week plus hundreds of recorded classes ranging from a few minutes to more than an hour, and focusing on different combinations of cardio, strength and balance along with different parts of your body.

Elizabeth named her program Forever Fit – which perfectly describes these exercise routines and her supportive teaching.

In the first year, For Every Body has begun to add expert workshops and interviews, blogs, tips, recipes and links to wonderful stuff across the other seven areas of wellness. Following Elizabeth’s lead, we named these offerings Forever Fed, Forever Friends, Forever Aflower, and so forth.

We happily invite you to explore all these aspects of your own wellness, in whatever order you like.



For EVERY Body.